Friday, March 29, 2013

Dressed To The Nines

To follow in the footsteps of so many blogs I have seen in the past, I wanted to also add my "What I'm Wearing" or my "LOTD". However, when I wear a look it pretty much lasts a year minimum and I think a shout out is in order for the designers that I find make good clothing and accessories. I will link what I can from the marketplace, but some of my favorite items are older and are not always available.

Hair: Gritty Kitty: Owen - black
Eyes: Mistery - DEMON BLACK EYES
Skin: Custom
Suit: (epia) - Loose Business Suit BLACK
Underwear: [Intimizzio] Maschio Boxer Briefs - Black
Gloves: Custom
Socks: Pig - Socks Mit Suspenders - Black Sock
Shoes: (epia) - Formal Shoes BLACK

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My Brain Came!

I am becoming quite anxious about bringing my store back inworld and creating new items without the limitations of sculpts. On top of bringing my store back to Second Life after 3 years, some great friends have returned to keep me company.

Looks like it will be a nice year in 2013 and I hope to continue this fantastic trend. Oh, and did I mention I am a blogger now? Look forward to bias and obnoxious posts about things in SL from an actual builder and creator.

My background is argyle like my socks! IMMA BLOGGER!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

An Introduction

This will be the personal blog by myself, Johnny Skosh. I plan on posting here the rantings and ravings that flow through my mind when I remember to blog about them. The posts may not always be frequent, but I will try my best. Stay tuned for some posts about myself and my adventures.